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Persistent pain? Constantly Unwell?

And The Usual Treatments
Not Working?

Help relieve neck pain with Geoff Leury Healing

Now Unsure Of What Else To Do?

Worse Still, Worried That It Could Be
Something More Serious?

Help relieve neck pain with Geoff Leury Healing

energy healing the Australian way

Geoff Leury Healing

Sometimes, usual treatments don't work because of

Incorrect Aura Anchoring

Is Something More Serious Being Overlooked?

It's easy to feel like there is something more serious going on when you're not getting better. And more so, when therapies, medications and treatments that are usually quite effective don't seem to be working. Not only do you still have the pain and symptoms of the problem, but it is difficult not to worry that something has been missed, that there is a far more serious underlying problem that has been overlooked, and it is going untreated.

          Not Necessarily          

Aura Anchoring

For best possible healing, maximum energy must be able to flow  from the aura to the physical body. And for this to happen, the aura must be in perfect alignment with the physical body. And perfect alignment is achieved when the aura is anchored correctly to the physical body.


Correct Aura Anchoring
Perfect Alignment
Maximum Energy Flow
Better Healing
Pain Free/Feeling Well

If therapies, medications or treatments don't work as they usually do. It could be because the aura is not anchored correctly to the physical body and now the aura and physical body are misaligned. It doesn't necessarily have to be a serious undetected issues like some cancers or heart conditions, for example.

Misalignment reduces energy flow from the aura to the physical body. Reduced energy flow means the body doesn't have enough energy to make full use of or maintain any work done by doctors or therapists.

Aura misalignment can result in incomplete healing or, worse, no healing, even though practitioners are doing the right thing and applying appropriate  therapies, medications and treatments.

Ultimately, competent practitioners and the usually effective modalities they use are being hampered or blocked by incorrect aura anchoring.


Incorrect Aura Anchoring
Imperfect Alignment
Impeded Energy Flow
Incomplete Or No Healing
Persistent Pain/Constantly Unwell

fix incorrect aura anchoring


Geoff Leury Healing


Joint Anchor Technique

Joint Anchor Technique has been developed specifically to fix aura anchoring.

It works energetically to balance energetic joint anchors which are structures of the aura vital to the mechanism that anchors the aura to the physical body.

Joint anchor technique is uniquely Australian; it's energy healing the Australian way


Geoff Leury Healing and Joint anchor technique are in no way substitutes for medical advice or therapy. Always consult your trusted health care professional if you have any concerns for your health or well being.

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